
Board of Directors

The operation of MCGA is performed by an elected Board of Directors. The MCGA Board is comprised of four (4) Executive Officers and three (3) at-large Board members.  The offices of the Executive Board are as follows:

Executive Board

The term of all MCGA Board of Directors is two years. 

Board of Directors Qualifications

Additional Requirements


MCGA holds an election every two years in the beginning of April during even-numbered years to fill a new Board of Directors. The official date of the election will be determined by the Board and announced to the membership 60 days prior to it.


At least 30 days prior to the election, the Board of Directors will open the nomination process for candidates to the Board. Members must submit the names of potential candidates (members in good standing) to the Board for consideration. The Board then vets these candidates prior to adding them to the slate of official candidates for election.

Voting Process

On the Election day announced by the Board, generally after an official round, members in good standing shall vote and cast a ballot. In the event a member is unable to attend the election, an absentee or proxy vote will be provided prior to Election day. 

The Board will appoint a two-person election committee to tabulate all the in-person and absentee ballots. The candidates receiving the greatest number of votes for a particular office will be elected and a new Board will be in place and begin a new 2-year term.

2024-2026 MCGA Board of Directors

Executive Board

President - Joe Hernandez

Vice President - Joe Renaud

Secretary - Frank Cruz

Treasurer - Xavier Bardy

At-Large Board Members

Derek Frank

Chad Lewis

Steve "Doc" Lopez